Voice of the Blue

The Stress of a Gunfight

February 19, 2024 Royce Bartlett Season 3 Episode 38
The Stress of a Gunfight
Voice of the Blue
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Voice of the Blue
The Stress of a Gunfight
Feb 19, 2024 Season 3 Episode 38
Royce Bartlett

Some of the most incredible stressors on the planet are inflicted upon our police officers on a daily basis. Take, for instance, a wild shoot-out between a cop and a Ganster Disciple who had sworn to kill any police officer he saw in the wake of his robbery of a local bank.

That cop was Officer Tim Gramins. The suspect charged Gramins with a 9MM as soon as he was stopped, shooting with murderous intent. Worse than that, Officer Gramins hit him 14 times with a .45 ACP during the gunfight, six of which were "fatal shots" (one heart, one in each lung, also liver and kidney) and the 37 year-old 'gangsta' was still trying to kill him.

This is what our fellow citizens in blue have the potential to face on an average work-day as a sworn police officer, and what we require of them. This ain't child's play.

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Some of the most incredible stressors on the planet are inflicted upon our police officers on a daily basis. Take, for instance, a wild shoot-out between a cop and a Ganster Disciple who had sworn to kill any police officer he saw in the wake of his robbery of a local bank.

That cop was Officer Tim Gramins. The suspect charged Gramins with a 9MM as soon as he was stopped, shooting with murderous intent. Worse than that, Officer Gramins hit him 14 times with a .45 ACP during the gunfight, six of which were "fatal shots" (one heart, one in each lung, also liver and kidney) and the 37 year-old 'gangsta' was still trying to kill him.

This is what our fellow citizens in blue have the potential to face on an average work-day as a sworn police officer, and what we require of them. This ain't child's play.

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